Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Timeshare Traveling Information

Lots of families, looking into the timeshare option,. it's where you buy property and you own it for a set amount of time each year. It's good for people who like to visit the same spots a lot: like Maui, or Puerto Vallarta.

Trading with other owners, could open up your travels even more.

Renee Baws, timeshare owner said, "It really affords us the opportunity to go to places we haven't been before. And if we do like the place, then we decide to go back there again. And friends of ours have timeshares as well, and sometimes, we travel with them."

There are some advantages to owning a time share.

First off, you get plenty of space. the average unit is bigger than two hotel rooms.
They also have kitchens so you can save money, making your own meals.
They're prepaid
You can swap units for other destinations.
The cons?

You'll have to make your own bed, there is no housekeeping or room service.
It can get tough to trade units unless you plan years in advance.
The average price of a timeshare is $14,500 with steeper interest rates.
They can be difficult to sell.


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