Monday, October 24, 2005

Boat Timeshares - A High Seas Experience

If you’ve dreamed of big time sailing, but don’t necessarily have the bank account to buy a sweet sailboat, don’t bum out. There are ways to make that dream happen without breaking your bank.

Boat timeshares offer a differsent vacationing experience for almost any income. By getting involved in a timeshare, you have the right to use that sailboat to make your dreams come true, but you alone are not solely responsible for all the expenses. Timeshares provide an excellent way for someone not willing or able to take on the expense of purchasing a great vacationing boat themselves to still experience the adventure of life on the water.

Boat timeshare companies and programs are readily available and accessible across the web. Boating timeshare companies are active all over the world with even some operating on America’s Great Lakes.

Basically, a boat timeshare offers a passenger a chance to buy into a piece of a boat for a set amount of time. Similar to a yacht club, but without all the expenses of owning your own yacht, these programs let sailors do it all. Some programs allow members to purchase blocks of time over the course of a sailing season to use a boat. Many programs work by giving several “captains” the same boat during the sailing season. These captains book multiple sail times, show up, sail, get seasick, and sail the boat back for the next crew to take over.

While boat timeshares provide everything needed to sail, members still are responsible for making sure the boat is in good condition when it’s returned. This leaves the owner responsible for simply safely piloting the vessel, keeping it clean and enjoying their high seas adventure with their family and friends for a small amount of the price of owning a sailboat themselves. For those who lack the skills to man their own vessels, many boat timeshares will provide a crew including a captain, instructor, and/or cook at a small additional cost. The insurance, boat licensing and other worries are generally handled by the timeshare company itself.

So, what is pricing like for these sailing adventures? Not bad considering a sweet boat can cost thousands and thousands of dollars. And even better when you consider buying your own boat doesn’t include fuel, maintenance, licensing and insurance costs and so on! A timeshare that covers an entire boating season can cost upwards of $8,000, a minimul expense considering the hassles are removed by taking part in such a venture.


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